Home Comfuzio My Steam Deck’s Journey

My Steam Deck’s Journey


Hello my peeps!
In this post I will try to keep a journal for my own order of a Steam Deck of 512GB.
This post will be updated as soon as new information arrives so stay tuned!

The Steam Deck was originally available to pre-order on 16/7/2021 and yes, this is the correct date order, I am Hellene which is in Europe and this is how we write down dates. Day/Month/Year.
16/7/2021: I wasn’t so sure if I wanted it or needed it so I didn’t order it immediately but I have placed my order the next day (17/7/2021) at 10:15AM

17/7/2021: After I have placed my order at 10:15AM I got my reservation email a minute later.

Date issued:17 Jul, 2021 @ 10:16am EEST
Copied from the email I got from Steam

10/11/2021: I have gotten an email from Steam that they will delay their orders for 2 months.

9/5/2022: Yeah, this long! I have gotten the email AND an alert on my Steam at 19:47pm to complete the purchase of my 512GB Steam Deck. Moments later I have paid and I am in the processing phase of my order.

11/5/2022: Today about 10:00AM I have checked my purchase and its status have changed to “shipping soon” from processing.
From other people who have gotten it prior to me, the way they do it is like:
-After you have completed the payment (as I have) it takes 2 days for them to ship it and give you the tracking number.
-It is shipped from Holland and it goes to Romania, from Romania it goes to Bulgaria and from Bulgaria it comes to Hellas.
-While in Hellas, you have to change your tracking method to ACS for accurate tracking.
-It will take about 7 business days to arrive to your hands, or rather in this case in my hands ^^, well that is if there are no strikes or holidays and so on
11/5/2022: At 11:30AM I have gotten an email that my Deck has been shipped! The tracking number doesn’t work for the moment.
11/5/2022: About 23:30PM GLS’ tracking page finally shows my tracking ID, it appears to be in transit to the final Parcel center.
12/5/2022: 20:30PM The parcel have left the Parcel Center in Germany.
12/5/2022: 20:34PM The Parcel have arrived at the Parcel Center in Selimbar, Romania. They are updating their site “every” night so it can’t be in 4 minutes from Germany to Romania.
14/5/2022: 01:16AM The parcel have arrived at the Parcel Center in Bulgaria
16/5/2022: 08:46AM The parcel has left the Parcel Center in Bulgaria. Next stop Greece!
17/5/2022: 13:19PM The parcel have arrived in the Parcel Center in Greece.
17/5/2022: 16:55PM The parcel has left the Parcel Center in Greece and from now on it is being handled by ACS. A tip, you will find your new tracking id for your courier, ACS in my case, on the GLS page in the 4th row or references!

ACS Tracking log
17/5/2022: 13:19PM They got the parcel in their own center.
17/5/2022: 16:55PM The parcel began its last huge distance travel from Thessaloniki to Athens.
17/5/2022: 17:00PM The parcel is on its way to my local ACS spot.

18/5/2022: 13:00PM ACS has finally delivered the Steam Deck to me 😀

A few random notes from me.

-During this time I had to RMA an APU to AMD on Friday 6th of May from Athens to Holland.
The APU was delivered to AMD in Holland on Monday 9th of May and AMD Shipped on 10th the replacement APU which I got in my hands Thursday 12/5. Do you see the days? within 4 business days or 6 calendar days, I sent an Item from Athens to Holland and got it back from Holland to Athens via DHL!
Now my Steam Deck seems it is travelling on foot on someone’s backpack or at best via donkey.

During the same time I had to RMA my Stream Deck to Holland again, this one seems to be slow as well even though it is handled again via DHL. I Have given it to DHL on Monday 9th and Elgato/Corsair got it yesterday 16/5. Today 17/5 they have given me the tracking ID from UPS, I don’t know what to expect for the delivery since the same route has been in all of my cases! Holland to Athens and Athens to Holland!


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