Home Comfuzio The games that you will never see me stream

The games that you will never see me stream


Hello people!
It has been a while I know! Today I would like to write about the games I do not like or games that perhaps I like/tolerate but you will never see them on my channel 🙂 I understand, it is a very controversial topic and most of those games are super popular (although I can’t understand why) and it might seem as counterproductive to my channel’s growth but I prefer to remain true to my values.

To begin with, I will have to disqualify any sexual content related games. Those games not only violate the rules of the streaming platforms but they also are games I do not play for various reasons.

To continue, games like: Apex, League of Legends, Fallguys, PUBG, Fortinite, Overwatch, Valorant, Dota 1~2 and the upcoming Valve’s clone of the previous mentioned games, Deadlock they all have a super generic gaming type which I do not enjoy either to play nor to watch and they do not meet some of my criteria such as: Visual Appealing! The year is 2024, we have so many advanced technologies and hardware capabilities that makes me sick to see games like those above having as choice the aesthetics of games we had when I was a kid back in the 90’s with the only difference being that back in the 90’s to early 2000’s…that result was the best the hardware of the era could do!
Yes, graphics isn’t everything. Here I have said it! Okay? But if the devs have a good idea or scenario for a game, and certainly they have the budget, they ought to invest a tiny little bit of it in the visual aspects of the games. Cartoonish graphics are ok for the under 12 years old but above that people demand some quality as well!
Having said that about the graphics, none of those games has any thrilling gameplay, story or most importantly, quality!
At best all those games are mediocre with their only “appeal” being that they are “free” and this way they attract an audience and large one that is!
Those who know me, knows that I have adopted for many years the mentality “if it’s free, you’re the product” and indeed my dear reader you are the product of an industry that doesn’t respect you! Why don’t they respect you? Because they release mediocre titles with subpar visuals and the only thing that functions good is the in-game store for skins!

But Comfuzio we have seen you playing Lethal Company I hear you saying, yes, it is true! Lethal Company is a game with horrible visuals but it has enjoyable gameplay, especially with friends! This game in case you didn’t figure out already, falls in the category of “tolerate”, it is a great concept for a game but it could have been better.

Another category of games I won’t stream are games that are buggy. I will use another quote of mine, software is never final and always there will be a bug here, a bug there etc but there are some games out there that are way too buggy, some of those I will mention here but some of them haven’t been tested recently. Maybe some, maybe all or … maybe none of the issues I was having have been fixed (kinda doubt it).
Sons of the Forest. This game I have tested it pretty recently and it was buggy, not as buggy as when I bought it but it is a game I wish I could refund.
GTFO. This game I haven’t tested it recently but it was super buggy, it had latency issues to the point of not being able to even be in the map.
RUST and similar. I like the concept of the game but I don’t want to play in servers with strangers. I do have the ability to host my own servers on premise or in the cloud, I am open to revisit the game but in my own server.
Chivalry and the alike. Oh boy! I gave it a few tries…I saw heavy armored classes jumping around as if they were goats! What madness is this? Unworthy of my time. Pure wasted development time lost from mankind forever to stupidity. Call it whatever you like if you are fan of those games, your opinion is wrong and irrelevant. Heavy armored people as buff as they are, they do not jump around like goats end of story.
Also you can’t use the hoplite like this, the hoplite is a warrior in formation not a stand alone warrior. Those games are results of programmers who watch 300 or anime and never actually read a book of history, this would be the product of what I have just described.

Woke games. This is something which I do not endorse. I don’t have a problem with my character in game being of any other race than my own or any other gender of the 2 that exists as long as the character’s story, background and values are good and worth my time.
If the character of the game has only 1 characteristic, being gay or being trans of being purple colored and just because of that alone the game is being called by its devs as “great”…then no. It is not a great game, it is a garbage game.
Develop this character, make this character relatable in some way, give me a reason to care for this character and the setup of the world. If you make a generic female girlboss who had the true power all along and she was held down by the patriarchy….I am sorry, I will review in a very negative way this game and request a refund. Remember: you made a crap game, it is your fault, not mine.

So here it is! I know it is not a big list of games, most people do like those games, I just happen to be one of those who didn’t/doesn’t and won’t enjoy those games!


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